Over the last 10 years we have seen significant cuts to youth services across England. This is having a huge impact on young children, teens, young adults and parents who are unable to give the financial support leaving many vulnerable children in dire situations. These cuts have been slashed by a third since 2010 leaving thousands also at risk of neglect and abuse.

A march in protest at government cuts
passes parliament in London on its way
to Hyde Park

Current Prime Minister - Boris Johnson
So what has been cut?

These cuts in the table above are some of the major cuts however there is more and will be more cut by 2025.
We applaud the likes of Jamal Edwards MBE, MBA (Pictured Below) who is supporting four youth centres, the first opened up in Acton, west London but more needs to be done by the government.

Councils are facing a £3bn funding gap for children's services by 2025, with many services having already been stripped back or shut down. More than 1,000 children's centres have closed since 2009, while 760 youth centres have shut since 2012.
So what needs to be done?
We need to see more funding available as young children and teens are left with nowhere to go, no-one to speak too in confidence and nowhere to socialise. We have seen across England and the rest of the UK a high rise in young people becoming addicted to drugs, violence, gangs and poverty.
My personal opinion
I believe the government has lost touch with the youth, the environment that many are living in and what this will cause for many generations to come because after all the youth is our future. There is a big blaming culture towards the youth however I feel the government has not made it easy for the youth.
Housing Prices - The prices of housing, schemes etc seem extremely impossible for the majority of young leaving them feeling demotivated, stressed and feeling let down by society and the government and this pressure can lead to depression, anxiety, gambling, suicide and many other mental health issues.
Jobs - I think the government can do more by opening more job opportunities for young people in debt using credit cards or taking out loans.
Youth Centre Cuts - Leaving a lot of young people on the streets with nothing to do which can lead to petty crimes escalating to major crimes involving, drug dealing, robbery, prostitution, fraud and much more.
I also feel when funding is provided it needs to be provided to the right charities and the right individuals.
For example - A current gang member "joe bloggs" is invited to a workshop on how to start a business and to leave a life of crime behind. Joe bloggs can not relate to the speaker like the speaker at the event who is working or middle class who has never been involved in crime who is teaching about crime. Whereas he may be empowered and inspired to an Ex gang member who has a successful business or career and that has changed his life around. Or even if it's not an ex-gang member it can be someone like Jamal Edwards MBE pictured above who is a respected figure who has helped many young people within the same of similar culture that "Joe Bloggs" is currently in and has helped those individuals to form a successful career for themselves.
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You have highlighted some great points. It's a shame society has to rely on the great work of Jamal Edward's and others because councils are under funded.